Friday, August 20, 2010

Why didnt US Govts suport the Republic during the Civil War at Spain?

The Nazi Germany supported Franco with troops and the best of its Luftwaffe, the same did Benito Mussolini.Did USA want the triumph of Nazism?

Why didnt US Govts suport the Republic during the Civil War at Spain?hp

Fascism, not Nazism. Nazism is an exclusive brand of German fascism.

America was observing a policy of isolationism. Officially, the US aided neither side. Unofficially, newspapers were extremely active in anti-fascist activities. Six battalions of Americans volunteered to fight on the Republican side.

Unfortunately for the real Republicans in the Spanish Civil War, they were supported by the Soviet Union and a large number of their troops were, in fact, communist. In essence, for the US to take sides would have been to ally with one of two evils, diametrically opposed to American principles- communism or fascism. Eventually, our hand was tipped and we became grudging allies with Russia after 1941, but they were never our ''friends'' in any sense of the word.

The US did not want to see Fascism triumph, but neither would they willingly ally with the Soviet Union.

Why didnt US Govts suport the Republic during the Civil War at Spain?mcaffee

The USA tried to maintain a 'settle things for yourselves', hands-off policy toward European policy (read 'war') as long as possible. It took a while to figure a way to enter the conflict in self-defense. Meanwhile; back in Japan, the Mikado brought it all to a head with their sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, 12/7/'41...Champagne corks popped all over allied Europe because 'Uncle' would be coming-aboard. Over-simplification? I apologize.

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