Monday, August 9, 2010

Do hear out this true story of my sister's...?

My sister was having a holiday in Paris 5 years ago. One day she went to the Arc de Triumph to take some pictures where she met one guy looking at her. Then they get to know each other because they were both from America,hence they decided to travel the country day they both felt that their pure friendship relationship has advanced into the love stage,however both of them didnt have the guts to confess to each other. After the guy returned to America,he wrote to my sister that his ultimate wish was to revisit Paris one day with my sister,because he told her that he was suffering from a terminal illness - Leukaemia and he had only few more months to live,hence he was making use of his days left to travel the country. My sister was shocked and promised him that his last wish would be fufilled one day. Few years later,he never wrote back to her again,and my sister felt remorseful about not confessing that she loved him too. My sister never revisited Paris,as she stayed faithful to his wish to revisit Paris with her. He came as a surprise to her,and disappeared like the wind. However,he was the person who changed my sister鈥檚 life. Just sharing my sister鈥檚 true story with you guys.

Do hear out this true story of my sister's...?pc security

You said that he have only few months to live but your sister waited for few years.

Why didn't she write to him all these years as she knows that he only lived for few months.

One thing I know you cannot be a writer! Just kiiding.

Do hear out this true story of my sister's...?symantic

very kool..and touching
That is an awesome story.

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