Monday, August 16, 2010

If you could have anything you want at the snap of your fingers?

and everything came easy and natural wouldn't that be boring? I mean think about, all your problems solved all your wishes at the snap of your fingers. Tht would be so boring. No point of trying. No feelings of triumph as you FINALLY succeed through will. I wouldn;t want it. What do you think? would you want that?

If you could have anything you want at the snap of your fingers?computer virus

I would not want something, but someone. He is far away and I want him here.

If you could have anything you want at the snap of your fingers?free spyware remover

If i could snap, I would wish for my fingers to grow back

tragic farm accident ,you know...
I guess I must be lazy then because I would want to be able to do that!
Hm... Life would definitely be easier, but not as fun or challenging... I would just want to be able to do the little things: wash the dishes, fold the clothes, clean up my room.
thats alot for me to list.
Yes at this point in my life it would be wonderful to be able to do that.
no..but if it did happen to me, i would snap for world peace.
i will want world peace
since my precious precious father died, i would pick the wishes at the snap of my fingers, yes. i'd pick it in a second.
You bet you sometimes life is to challenging and not rewarding enough.However when you look back on your life would you be dissappointed.I dunno..I think a strong maybe .
Some things yes, but for the most part I want to feel that I earned something.

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