I notice most translations of Ps 37:9,11,27 %26 29 say the meek will possess/inherit the land, not the earth. This is because the Hebrew word can mean either land OR earth and context determines which it should be. Ps 37 says wicked people will not triumph over godly people, who will stay on the land - the Promised Land sworn to Abraham's descendants, their rightful inheritance with its boundaries as stated by God to Moses. In contrast, Ps 47:7 %26 9 correctly means 'earth' in the sense of the whole world for it speaks of God's rule over all nations.
Now, I know other verses in the Bible speak of God's plans for the whole earth (Isa 45:18 Rev 21:3 etc) but I just want to check if the New World Translation is placing a wrong emphasis on Ps 37 which speaks of a Jewish inheritance, as does Isa 57:13 %26 58:14. If that's also prophetic it must surely mean literal Jews who believe in Christ, NOT a future global paradise after Armageddon for JWs and the resurrected?
Is the JW belief of a paradise earth unsubstantiated by Psalm 37 if the word earth should be translated land?internet security 2006
I suppose at first blush, it might be seen that way. Consider the context, however. What else is promised according to these verses? The wicked will be no more. Verse 29 says the wicked will be destroyed and the just will possess the "land" and live in it forever. Did this take place for the Jews? No, it did not.
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