I didn't know she was a bigot until AFTER I fell in love with her. She made some comments but I thought nothing of it until about a month ago, when I found out she collects swastikas. One time we were at a restaurant when she pepper sprayed a black guy who hit on her. She even put up a picture of Hitler in her bedroom and says the Triumph of the Wills is her favorite movie! Then she told me she picked me because of my Aryan features, when I thought she loved me for who I am as an individual. I hate racism but what am I going to do? I'm in love.
My girlfriend turned out to be a racist, what do I do?computers
Think about it, if you marry and have children how will they be raised?
as budding little racists?
I am curious as to what happened to the guy she pepper sprayed.
The other thing to consider is that one is not only a ''body'' but also a spirit. When you couple with her and she makes remarks and shows off her collection of swastikas, isn't it an assault to your senses or spirit?
What about her do you love?
Have you ever had a conversation with her telling her how uncomfortable you are with her racism?
My girlfriend turned out to be a racist, what do I do?hijack this
She pepper sprayed a black guy in a public restaurant, and nothing happened to her? C'mon....
I know this may be hard for you to decided, but if you know you don't like a part of her, that affects you, like it is right now then its wrong.
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