Monday, August 16, 2010

Which canadian band you you like better?



The Guess Who

Bachman Turner Overdrive


Which canadian band you you like better?free spyware remobal

The Guess who!

And I will like them even more if I can get you to re add me to your contacts so I can find your questions easier! I accidently deleted you while listening to the Guess Who!....hmmm

Which canadian band you you like better?kawasaki

The Guess who!

And I will like them even more if I can get you to re add me to your contacts so I can find your questions easier! I accidently deleted you while listening to the Guess Who!....hmmm Report It

BTO is heck of a lot better.... Report It

rush or bto
Rush. But BTO is a close second.
Rush ;D
Rush I loved the Moving Pictures CD its my Favorite.
the guess who
I like them all but Triumph was my favorite growing up.

And yes I am Canadian

And I live in the same city as Triumph and Rush and i have met them both.
I suppose Rush would be my all-timer. But others like Blue Rodeo, Grapes of Wrath, April wine, Neil Young, Gordon L, etc...are still welcome to my ears. I can tolerate classics and newbies to a certain for Nickelback, The Hip, Bachman, Cummings, Cochrane, Brian A, (and many others), the constant onslaught of their stuff on the airways DAILY over the years (because of CRTC regulations), have left me with a sour note %26 sore ears for many Canuk artists.
Randy Bachman....met him a few times

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