Monday, August 9, 2010

Do you think you can actually make a decision to be strong and successful even if you don't fee

I was trained as an actor and one of my friends won an Oscar and another was nominated.

The common denominator was that they are both supremely confident in their abilities - yet I had the same training too.

One of them told me recently that I am a 'waste of talent' because I don't show it.

Do you think simply 'deciding' you are the best is the way to triumph?

Do you think you can actually make a decision to be strong and successful even if you don't feel it?norton antivirus

One way to triumph is to just focus on doing your best and not dwell on future results or comparing yourself with others because then you spend too much time overanalyzing things instead of doing, which will cause you to be nervous and not do well.

Do you think you can actually make a decision to be strong and successful even if you don't feel it?security

Is a dichotomy in your question? (Rational fighting with emotional.)

So, what is it in your 'wallet'?

Making decision to be strong and successful; as well as, being persistent and flexible. Be prepared to:

- the right choice based on different experiences.

- identify the wrong choice.

- a fearless radical change and move on for own good sake.

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