Monday, August 9, 2010

How can i relate to things said over 1000 years ago.?

i'm not trying to be cynical, but things ARE different than they were when the last books in the new testament were written.

society's difference is so far different than those days, in part by the vast technology that we learned within the past 200 years ago.

why doesn't god speak to us now? the bible is full of accounts of wise men from days long past, where are modern tales of triumph %26 falter in the glory of the creator?

How can i relate to things said over 1000 years ago.?microsoft

yeah and the book has changed hands of men millions of time easy way to be altered to fit the times people were living in. alot of it does not fit well with being 2006, if people really did believe the bible then why arent they out there stoning people.

How can i relate to things said over 1000 years ago.?norton ghost

Great words never grow old even if they are a million years old. God still talks to people we are just too busy to listen. We are still the same people and he is the same God,so why would he not talk to us as he did the people of old. He talks to me in his still quiet voice.
But the Word of God is living and the truths therein are truths for all time. Just because so much has changed does not mean the changes are good or in any way change the validity of the Bible. Technology and truth are different things.
God speaks to many of His people on earth every day. You just have to be tuned in to His channel.

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