Monday, August 9, 2010

Literature questions?

Success is counted sweetest

By those who ne'er succeed.

To comprehend a nectar

Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple host

Who took the flag to-day

Can tell the definition,

So clear, of victory!

As he, defeated, dying,

On whose forbidden ear

The distant strains of triumph

Burst agonized and clear!


1.What do 1-4 suggest about the circumstances in which people care most about success

2.According to the speaker in the poem, who appreciates success most? Why might their appreciation of success be greater than others?

plss i need the answer plss thank u if ever any1 answers dis :D

Literature questions?mcaffee

(1) The writer suggest that person who have never succeed looks upon success as a great achieved. It is akin to the cliche statement the grass always looks greener on the other side. The writer is showing that the person who is looking success with longing eyes. the statements to comprehend a nectar requires the sorest needs - explains and shows that success is a hard to acquire and it takes determination to obtain success.

(2) the person that appreciate success the most is the defeated one the persons who never succeeded. There appreciation is greater because the long to be in the place of the successful one. This is why the writer says : by those who ne'er succeed" and "as he, defeat, dying" -- he is showing the desire of the defeated, unsuccessful person.

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