Monday, August 9, 2010

What type of car did Jesus drive?

We know Moses had a Triumph because he came down the mountain in it,but what about JC?

What type of car did Jesus drive?network security

Maybe a Plymouth, God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden in a Fury.

Probably an Honda. Jesus' disciples left in one Accord.

What type of car did Jesus drive?norton internet security

I originally got these answers in an email from my 79 yr old, staunch Baptist mother. Report It

A BREEZE because he had the Holy Spirit and the greek word for that is pnuma which literally means wind. : )

Or he coulda cruised around in a CHALLENGER because he challenged the teachers of the law in his day!
rolls-royce. jesus only drives the finest.
1970 camaro
Sweetie, there were no cars then. Cars started being in production during Henry Fords time, and that was a couple of centuries ago only.

But anyhow, that is a good question. How did he get around? I think he walked mostly, or rode on a donkey.

That must have been quite slow. There is nothing mentioned about camels, which would make a little more sense. Even horses? I dont know. As far as religious teachings go, there are no details, so my guess is that he walked. He was young too, so maybe he ran every now and then.
He actually drove a 12 seater handi-van that appeared out of nowhere in Nazareth and ran on water, causing many to remark that it was a miracle that it ran at all.
my neighbor's name is jesus he drives a toyota carolla
JC would've drove a Chevy Silverado because he was a carpenter and he would've had 2 Chevy Suburbans for the 12 disciples.
I'd like to say a mini van but in reality it was probably something enviromentally friendly. (or public transit)

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